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Life, Liberty and the Pursuit

My Family


amateur international man of mystery


The boss / zookeeper


The Hurricane


The tornado


The Dust devil

My Skillset

  • +20yrs Exp



    I first started using PHP in 1996, back then it was the only way to add dynamic navigation to your website. Today it is one of the most power object oriented programming languages available.

    PHP combined with SOLID object oriented programming is the quickest most reliable method to get your project off the ground.

  • +10yrs Exp

    OOP Design Patterns

    Design patterns are general, reusable solution to a commonly occurring problem within software design

    Unlocking the world of object oriented design patters was perhaps my greatest period of growth as a application developer.By using Clean coding principals combined with SOLID design patterns, one not only improves the stability of their application, but also reduces development time and the accumulation of technical debt.

    Hierarchical Model View Controller
  • +15yrs Exp


    XML emphasize simplicity, generality, and usability across the Internet.

    Extensible Markup Language (XML) is a markup language that allows you to define rule for encoding documents in a format that is both human and machine readable.

    Hundreds of document formats using XML syntax have been developed, including RSS, Atom, SOAP, SVG, and XHTML. XML allows applications to integrate with external systems quickly using defined standards.

  • Noob


    Declarative component based front-end framework

    React is a popular open-source front-end JavaScript library for building user interfaces based on UI components. It is maintained by Meta (formerly Facebook) and a community of individual developers and companies.

    I started working with React in 2022.

  • +10yrs Exp


    Using technology to help applications evolve quickly and reliably.

    DevOps is the combination of philosophies, practices and tools used to increase a projects ability to deliver high quality software solutions quickly and effectively.

    I have years of experience implementing successful delivery pipelines using version control, automated deployment and integration testing to increase product quality and reduce technical debt accumulation.

    Continuous Delivery Pipeline
  • +20yrs Exp


    Alongside HTML and CSS, JavaScript is one of the three core technologies of the World Wide Web.

    To be honest, of all the programming languages I've learned Javascript was the one that made me scream expletives at my screen for the longest time.

    In the early days before jQuery browser support was hit and miss. So after spending hours tweaking behavior in one browser, you'd open you beautiful creation in another to find your page destroyed.

  • 5 yrs Exp


    A lightweight and modular front-end framework for developing fast and powerful web interfaces

    UIKit is quickly becoming my favorite front-end framework. It's solid grid system combined with clean flexible use of data attributes makes it easy to make beautiful user interfaces.

  • +15yrs Exp


    MySQL is the world's most popular open source database.

    MySQL is an integrated transaction safe, ACID-compliant database with full commit, rollback, crash recovery, and row-level locking capabilities designed for high performance web-based applications.

    As a full stack developer working primarily on LAMP stacks, I use MySQL on a daily basis to implement high performance web solutions that scale to meet the demands of our modern world.

  • +10yrs Exp

    Database Design

    Database design involves classifying data and identifying interrelationships.

    I cannot overstate how important a solid normalized database design is to the success of your project. Failure to properly identify and account for data relationships within the application are by far the most common cause of project failure in my opinion.

    Every project I start begins with a detailed analysis of the project requirement and development of a entity relationship diagram (ERD) that identifies all discrete data elements needed to deliver the application specification.

    Entity Relationship Diagram
  • +20yrs Exp


    If the internet was a house HTML would be the frame

    HTML elements are the building blocks of modern web applications. HTML provides structural semantics for text such as headings, paragraphs, lists, links, quotes, images and more.

    I was first introduced the the love-hate relationship that is HTML in early 90's before CSS and Javascript came along to make the web more than words on a page.

  • +10yrs Exp

    Joomla! Content management system

    Joomla! is a free and open-source content management system (CMS) for publishing web content.

    Joomla! is one of the big three content management systems. It is extendable, multilingual, accessible, and responsive. Because of its robust extendability, component centric framework and large library of pre-built components, Joomla is a go to solution for rapid application development.

    I started using Joomla! in 2007, I was invited by the project leadership to attend the Joomla World Conference in 2014 and much of my MVSC model design has been integrated into the Joomla! 3.x core MVC.

  • 8yrs Exp


    Ajax is not a single technology, but rather a group of technologies.

    AJAX stands for "Asynchronous JavaScript And XML". It uses the built-in XMLHttpRequest object in Javascript to load content onto the screen without refreshing the page.

    This techniques allows applications to load faster by moving resource intensive rendering to asynchronous background data streams. Ajax isn't a new technology, or different language, it is a technique using the full capabilities of existing technologies to improve performance and user experience.

  • +20yrs Exp


    CSS is a cornerstone technology of the world wide web

    I remember the first time I came across this strange new standard called Cascading Style Sheets. Although it was love at first site (pun intended), it took a lot of tinkering to get the hang of its finer capabilities.

    Before CSS almost all presentational attributes were stored in the HTML markup. This lead to duplicating much of the styling throughout the application, so any changes had to be done on every page. CSS allows the styling to be stored in a separate file and reused across the application making changes far less time intensive.

  • 7yrs Exp

    Balsamiq Mockups

    High fidelity, low resolution Mockups allow teams to clarify behavior without heavy investment in prototypes.

    One of the most challenging parts of building an application is effectively communicating between various specialists withing the project how and why the application should behaving.

    While standard Wire-frames can effectively communicate presentational aspects, they often lack clarity in behavior. Prototypes on the other hand can effectively communicate behavior, but often require significant investment of time and energy.

    Mockups are a bridge between the two focusing on visualization of behavior without the need to actually build out the functionality.

    High fidelity, low resolution Mockup
  • 8yrs Exp


    jQuery is a fast, small, and feature-rich JavaScript library.

    jQuery makes things like HTML document traversal and manipulation,and Ajax consistent and reliable across a multitude of browsers. The huge number of extensions available for jQuery combined with it's cross browser support make it a pleasure to use.

  • Noob


    Laravel is a web application framework with expressive, elegant syntax.

    Laravel is a free and open-source PHP web framework based Symfony. It makes it easy to create robust MVC based applications using modern features like dependency injection and ORM.

    I started working with Laravel in 2022, but its expressive syntax really makes it easy to use by anyone familiar with PHP and MVC based development.

My work

Advanced E-commerce

Joomla 3.x AJAX Component Apache SOLR

Advanced E-commerce 2

Joomla 3.x AJAX Component

Advanced E-commerce 3

Joomla 3.x AJAX Module

Dynamic Forms

Joomla 3.x AJAX Component JQuery

Dynamic Forms 2

Joomla 3.x AJAX Component JQuery

Expert Nomination

Joomla 3.x AJAX Component

Social API

Entity Relationship Diagrams

MySQL Database designUML

Entity Relationship Diagrams

MySQL Database design UML

Dynamic Google Maps

Google API Geocoding Javascript

Design Mock up

Component design XML UX

Design Mock Up 2

Component design XML UX


Joomla 3.x Component OOP design

Babel-U-Courses 2

Joomla 3.x Component OOP design


Joomla 3.x Component OOP design

Babel-U-Exams 2

Joomla 3.x Component OOP design

Babel-U-Exams 3

Joomla 3.x Component OOP design

Babel-U-Exams 4

Joomla 3.x Component OOP design

Component customization

Joomla 3.x CSS HTML

My Creations

Whether it is built out of wood, metal, or PHP, nothing gives me more pleasure than taking an idea and making it a reality.

Work bench
version 1.0
Work bench
version 2.0
Drum can Incinerator
Learning to weld
DIY Aluminum Smelt
The neighbors think I'm crazy
First Attempt
Learning lost foam sand casting
Dog bone faucet handle
Extremely user unfriendly
Portable Family Fire Pit
or PFFPT for short
First Display table
Learning carpentry
Wood stove heat shield
so much masking tape
Wood stove heat shield
Manly art
Doma Table
staging environment
The Doma
TBH I didn't make the bucket seats
Doma Shoe Rack
Wife's Christmas present
Doma Shoe Rack
It's Square! It's a miracle
Doma Shoe Rack
Sandals are all season attire in my family
Doma Shoe Rack
Even my mother in-law liked it! Winning =^p
Kitchen Shelf
Small Oak shelf
Sons Loft Bed